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A Wide Selection of Drain & Plumbing Solutions


FOG is an acronym that stands for the Fats, Oil, and Grease.  Pouring enough FOG down the drain reduces sewer pipe capacity and constricts flow of waste water. This then slows the drains down and can lead to complete pipe blockages.  Did you know?

  • Restaurants produce an average of 150 to 250 pounds of grease per week, up to 1,000 pounds per month, or 13,000 pounds per year.
  • The average fast food restaurant in the United States produces around 28 pounds of grease per day. This works out to four and a half billion pounds of grease produced per year by United States’ fast food restaurants.
  • EPA estimates that there are at least 23,000 – 75,000 sewer overflows per year (not including sewage backups into buildings) in the U.S. and that almost half of those are grease-related from improper kitchen practices.

Drain-Net offers the products needed to prevent FOG buildup in your drains!

Prevent Plumbing problems with

drain strainersdrain brushesfloor sink baskets 23flood guardgrease trapsmini banner drain defenderroof drainstraptexdrain locksmop sink filtersolids interceptorrooftop grease containment

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