The Ice Wand™ can improve the overall quality of your beverages and ice - cut costs, reduces down time, and extends the life of your ice machine!
- The Ice Wand™ is a patented product which contains an advanced patented media housed within a simple, drop-in, flow-through device measuring
- Easy one-step drop in installation. Just place directly into sump water.
- Suggested replacement every three months
- Compatible with most major ice machine models
- Size: 1 ¼” diameter, and 7 ¾” long (6 ¼” without the “hook” cap).
- Handling and Care: The Ice Wand™ requires no special handling procedure. It does not contain any carcinogenic or toxic by-products; therefore, spent Ice Wand™ can be safely disposed of along with normal trash.
- Reduces maintenance costs associated with ice machine cleaning
- Allows you to focus on your customers, not your machine
- A clean ice machine enhances the quality of your ice cubes and beverage service
- Non-toxic, environmentally safe, easily disposed of with normal trash
- Extend the life of your ice machine
"The Ice Wand allows us to go far beyond the standard food service sanitation requirements to create an even safer, cleaner, beverage preparation area with better tasting ice cubes," as stated by the President of a Southeast Regional Restaurant Chain.
Step 1: Prior to installing the Ice Wand, clean the interior of the ice machine completely
Step 2: Place the Ice Wand directly into the ice machine sump and fasten according to instructions
Step 3: After three months, replace with a fresh Ice Wand
Click here for printable Ice Wand Instructions for Hoshizaki, Scotsman, and Manitowoc Ice Machine procedures.

Q. What is the media in the Ice Wand?
A. The patented media contained in the Ice Wand is made up of ceramic pellets coated with natural minerals.
Q. How does it function?
A. The minerals are time-released into the ice cube make-up water. The minerals coat the internal surfaces of the ice machine wherever water splashes during the ice making process. As water freezes into ice, naturally dissolved minerals are rejected by the crystallization process, delivering only sparkling clean, fresh tasting ice cubes to consumers.
Q. Is it safe to use?
A. It is non-toxic and can easily be handled without the use of any protective equipment.
Q. How is the Ice Wand installed?
A. Simply place it in the reservoir or sump tray of a commercial ice machine. The Ice Wand is attached with a cable tie (included) so as not to interfere with the float valve in the sump mechanism or other internal working parts.
Q. How often do you replace it?
A. Typically every three months in an ice cube machine of less than 1,200 lbs. daily capacity and every six weeks in an ice cube machine with greater than 1,200 lbs. daily capacity.
Q. How do you dispose of it?
A. The Ice Wand can be thrown away in regular trash.
Q. How does this cost compare to how I maintain my machine currently?
A. If you compare the cost of an ice machine service call, which can range anywhere from $160 to over $300, the Ice Wand will pay for itself in less than a year by reducing the number of cleaning service calls you require and extending the life of your ice machine. Having clean cubers (The area where the ice forms) will also decrease the amount of electricity used to make ice. Most importantly to you and your customers, what happens when your ice machine breaks down?
Q. Are there any other products on the market that control slime?
A. Yes. Other methods include: UV light, Ozone and chlorine dioxide. However, these alternatives are expensive and require professional installation and service. Some are even toxic.
Q. Why should I use the Ice Wand instead of the other technologies?
A. The Ice Wand is safe, effective, and easy to use and will provide overall better quality beverage service. The Ice Wand does not require a technician or tools to install. No protective clothing is needed. It imparts no taste or odor to ice, in fact, the ice cubes will actually be clearer!
Q. Will the Ice Wand work in my ice machine?
A. The Ice Wand works in most major brands of ice machines: Scotsman, Manitowoc, Hoshizaki, Ice-O-Matic. Basically, it will work in any type of ice machine that has a sump mechanism that circulates the water.
Q. What about different size ice machines?
A. The Ice Wand will work in all sizes of ice machines. The Ice Wand will perform properly in a 1200 lb. or smaller ice machine for three months. The Ice Wand will function effectively in larger ice machines, but the change out interval will be more frequent than three months.
Q. Does the Ice Wand have any limitations?
A. Yes. In a small percentage of the country where the water contains sulfides (Some areas in south Florida are prime examples) the Ice Wand will require additional water treatment to perform effectively.
Q. What about Carbon pre-filters?
A. Carbon pre-filters are commonly designed to remove chlorine to improve the taste of ice cubes. However, removing the chlorine and exposing this water to a contaminated environment may lead to increased mold and slime growth rate. Therefore, the use of Ice Wand™ is highly recommended and complementary with carbon pre-filters.
Q. Will the Ice Wand control scale?
A. No. The Ice Wand does not reduce nor increase scale formation.