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QuickClean Foam-L (6 bottles)
Product Code: QC20220

quickcleaning drain foam fruit fly exterminator
quickcleaning drain foam fruit fly exterminatorhow to get rid of fruit fliesdrain cleaning foam
$249.95 each

Clean drains, floors, and hard to reach areas in your commercial kitchen with our quick acting drain foam which breaks down FOG's and eliminates fruit fly breeding sites.  Our commercial Quick Cleaning Drain Foam for commercial kitchens and restaurants prevents and controls the buildup of fats, oils, and grease (FOG’s) plus small fly breeding sources.
  • Uses microbes to eat and consume gunk, producing water and carbondioxide as byproducts.  
  • Features fresh clean citrus scent
  • Works instantly, breaking down fats and oils
  • Breaks down lipids, proteins, starches and cellulosics
  • Eliminates small fly breeding sites
  • Foaming action will fill hard to reach voids, that other products might miss.  

quickcleanfoam-drains Quick Cleaning Drain Foam (6 bottles) to fight Fruit Flies

Directions for use:

  1. Tilt the bottle from side to side to mix settled bacteria from the bottom.drain foam pump
  2. Fill foamer with water then add 4 oz. of foam concentrate per gallon of water.
  3. Secure and swirl to mix contents thoroughly.
  4. Apply foam in floor drains, corners of floors and walls, under equipment where areas are not typically cleaned. DO NOT apply on countertops or food preparation areas
  5. Clean floors and drains on a monthly basis or as needed by visual inspection
Customer Testimonial:
"Like many fine dining establishments, we had an issue with bar flies. For months we hired professional pest control companies to treat the problem. Without success we turned to  Quick Clean. Within days we saw a noticeable difference.  And, within two short weeks our problems were gone. We even found Quick Clean Foam to remove the gunky buildup in hard to clean areas, such as: bar floor mats, corners, grout lines, in drains and under sinks. This easy to use [DIY] product helps us meet our GREEN initiatives -- and cuts costs” --Tom, Area Director - Crowne Plaza

Bottles: 6

Size: 16.7 oz foam concentrate

Usage:  This is a liquid concentrate that requires a foam sprayer for the foaming action.  

Shelf Life: 1 year

Storage: C(7° - 40°) F(45°-105°), Dry Conditions: Do Not Freeze

Handling:  CAUTION: Avoid inhalation of dry powder or liquid mist.  Avoid exposing skin to dry powder or strong solution as irritation may result.  If material contacts skin or eyes, flush thoroughly and repeatedly with water.

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