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Lock & Stop Drain-Lock
Product Code: LS035T45

Lock & Stop Drain Lock
Lock & Stop Drain LockLock Down Drain grates and coversLock and Stop Drain Lock DiagramLock and Stop for Restaurant DrainsDrain Lock prevents plumbing backupstorx-bolt
$45.95 each

T45 - Tamper-Proof Bit Socket


Now available in 3.5"!  Contact Us for a stainless steel cover to go with your Lock and Stop.

Stop others from using your drains as trash cans!

  • Are you tired of paying costly plumbing bills because others are using your drains as the lazy way to sweet away food, garbage and large debris?
  • If you're not sure what's going down your drains, take control with the Lock and Stop Drain Lock.
  • This is the first and only converter kit which does not require you to purchase new drain strainers
  • All parts are 100 percent stainless steel making it durable and corrosion proof.
  • Works with odd size drains!  Because the bolt expands and contracts, this drain lock will work on almost any size drain you have.  Choose the size that is closest to your drain.

Lock and Stop Drain Lock Diagram

How It Works

1. Lock and Stop™ works by inserting an expandable steel cross member in a drain about 2" below the drain strainer.  When tightened, the cross member exerts enough force against the interior wall of the drain to be virtually immovable.

2.  A bolt is then inserted through the drain strainer and threaded through the immovable crossmember which now makes the strainer virtually immovable.

3.  This bolt can't be unlocked with any old screwdriver.  Lock & Stop now comes with a tamper-proof Torx T45 bolt. The T-45 bit/socket bit is sold separate.

Sizing: Measure the Inside Diameter (ID) of your drain pipe and reference table below to determine what size Lock & Stop will fit your drain pipe.  The vertical bolt measures 4.5" so be sure the distance from the drain cover to the pipe is less than 4.5"

Lock & Stop Size Min Pipe ID Max Pipe ID
2" Lock & Stop 1 7/8" 2 3/8"
3" Lock & Stop 2 7/8" 3 3/8"
3.5" Lock & Stop 3 3/8" 4"
4" Lock & Stop 3 3/4" 5"

Download Instruction Sheet HERE

Lock and Stop comes with an easy installation tool! 

security bolt for lock and stop drain lock T-45 

Dont forget your tamperproof torx key

every drain lock needs a basket

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