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Floor Sink Grate - Cast iron porcelain with ceramic surface 9-3/8" fits most 12" x 12" floor sinks
Product Code: GRT-50

Floor Sink Grate - Cast iron porcelain with ceramic surface 9-3/8" - HALF Grate
$48.57 each

Need to replace a broken or rusted floor sink grate?   Drain-Net offers the ideal floor sink grate for any restaurant, bar, buffet, or commercial kitchen.

  • Longer Lasting- Built with a combination of cast iron porcelain and ceramic surface for easy cleaning that offers a longer lasting grate.
  • Versatile -  Choose from half, 3/4, or full grates to accommodate any indirect waste pipes that might be draining into the floor sink.
  • Perfect For Floor Sinks - This floor sink top grate is a perfect fit for 12” x 12” floor sinks.  Please measure before you purchase.
  • Safety- Floor grate hole openings are large enough to allow proper drainage of water to keep the floor safe and dry for walking conditions.
  • Dimensions - 9-⅜” W x 9-⅜” L x 1-¼ H

Please note: all sales are final for this item.  No returns. Please measure before ordering.

Replace a floor sink grate


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