Many plants in the food processing industry are literally washing profits down the drain. Processing food and cleaning up equipment yields large amounts of wastewater that must be treated.
Using water in the cleanup process of plants often flushes loose meat, soluble protein, inorganic particles, and other food waste into the drains and on to the sewer. Most of this waste adds a high level of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) to the wastewater which adds financial and ecological burdens to the plant, city, and environment.
Drain-Net can be part of your efforts to reduce the burden of wet waste. A concept as simple as keeping waste out of the drains can save companies thousands of dollars per year and reduce the strain on the city sewage treatment plant.
Simple common-sense approaches, such as using trays beneath machines to catch spillage and placing screens in and over drains, can be used at little cost. Drain-Net's fabrication shop can even custom make solutions to fit your plant's drainage needs.
Contact us to discuss your custom drain needs.
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Detectable Materials to address the problem of plastic and rubber particles contaminating food and pharmaceutical production lines. As standard rubbers and plastics are radio-translucent, non-conductive, and low in density, these materials cannot be detected by standard Metal and X-ray detection systems.